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TV Intro or Elevator Speech?

Some call them elevator pitches, others refer to them as “sound bites”, or 30 second commercial, whatever you call them, they add up to a concise explanation of an idea, business or service that entices you to want to know more.  It’s a marketing & sales tactic that’s as ubiquitous as it is powerful, and used by people and companies all over the world.

But have you ever noticed that TV shows use the very same thing?  Idea Sandbox creator Paul Williams did, and recently posted an article that illustrates how television shows have been using this concept for years – it’s a MUST READ post that is both informative and funny!

“It’s important to have an “elevator speech.” A 30-second summary of what you’re working on to tell the boss… When meeting new people, a quick way to summarize the value of your company and what you do.

It can be challenging to boil down what you do into a short blurb… For inspiration, I suggest paying attention to the 30-second narrations at the beginning of TV shows.

At the start of each episode producers deliver the swift backstory and premise of the show. If this was our first viewing, we would understand what makes the show worth attention.

This is EXACTLY what you need for YOUR elevator pitch… What’s your 30-second blurb? Your backstory that builds awareness of the premise of you (or your project, company, etc…) and lets me know why you’re worth my attention?

For inspiration, here is the text… and some clips from some classic TV show “elevator pitches.”

Paul cites examples and shows video clips of shows who have done this like: Star Trek, My Name is Earl, The Incredible Hulk and more, read the whole post here , then as Paul says:

“Read and listen to these as if they were your own backstory. Ask yourself… Is mine as engaging? Would it make your customers want to tune in week after week?”

-Susan Martin, Marketing Coach and elevator pitches fan

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