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Medical Practice Marketing: SEO Content Development

I’m pleased to announce the launch of Artisan Podiatry’s new website. The project was a joint effort between Jerome Walford from The Blue Griffin on the design side and myself on the seo content development and medical practice marketing side.

The site features Dr. Shazia Amar’s podiatric services. She’s a busy Brooklyn based podiatrist and surgeon I met last year. Dr. Amar had a one page website which merely listed her offices. She wanted something more comprehensive that would help bring in new patients to her growing practice.

I started this medical practice marketing project with an in-depth interviewing process, learning everything I could about the doctor, her patients, her practice and the foot problems she treats. I researched the competition and determined what makes Dr. Amar different from the myriad of podiatrists in Brooklyn.

If you’re a follower of this blog you’ll know that I firmly believe that before you develop a website you’ll need a compelling marketing message. So my first step was to develop the message. Next, I researched which keywords would be most appropriate, and then did the seo content development needed to bring her services to life.

By the way, Dr. Amar is an absolute delight to work with. She has a wonderful personality and is one of the most caring doctors I’ve ever run across, an attribute backed up by numerous patient testimonials. If you happen to live or work in Brooklyn NY and need a podiatrist I would highly recommend her, she has offices in Park Slope, Midwood, Flatbush and Kensington and is affiliated with New York Methodist Hospital.

If you are a doctor who is interested in medical practice marketing, give me a call at 718-499-2831. I’ll be happy to discuss how I can help you pinpoint your message and do the seo content development to bring it to life on the web.

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