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Are your attempts to increase productivity backfiring?

Like most business owners, I use technology to increase productivity, but am keenly aware of how the very same technology can be counter-productive as well.

An article in the NY Times today asks “Is Technology Driving You Up A Tree?” When technology fails, you may call for “tech support” and end up spending countless hours of waiting on hold, only to find yourself connected to a representative who is just one page ahead of you in the manual; or your cell phone drops the call just when they have finally found a solution.

Then there’s information overload and everything that comes along with it. As a business coach, I work with clients who struggle with the multitude of distractions that technological solutions present, who then have to “disconnect” in order to accomplish anything.

If your attempts to increase productivity have been backfiring, I can help figure out what technology helps and what needs to be let go of, deal with information overload and learn to avoid the interruptions that distract you from getting things done.

Susan Martin, Time Management Coaching

Corinne Floyd February 14, 2011 at 4:33 pm

Yes, technology can be great, but it can also take up a lot of time in “frustration” I like the way you stated: “to find yourself connected to a representative who is just one page ahead of you in the manual” That is definitely frustrating!

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