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Time Management Coaching | Identifying your “big rocks”

I recently blogged about the importance of plugging in time for your “big rocks”, the priorities that are most important to you.  From my work with business owners and professionals, I understand that for many, it’s hard to do this until you first determine what those big rocks are.

Here are a couple of ways to get started:

1. Get back in touch with your values.  Whether in business or in our personal lives, our values are what guides us.  Ask yourself:  If I knew I only had a year to live, what would be the most important things I would do, or accomplish?

2. Revisit your goals and find out if they’re worth working towards.  Are they really worth investing the time, money and energy it will take to achieve them?  Will achieving them make a significant difference in your life, or in the lives of others?

3. Determine which activities to invest your time into by recognizing the ones that will best help you reach your goals and live in alignment with your values.

If you’re having trouble determining your big rocks, contact me to schedule a business coaching consultation.

Susan Martin, time management coaching.

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