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Leadership behavior

I often hear clients complain about their employees and many of these complaints are justified, some employees just don’t care, lack judgement, have no sense of urgency, are lazy…

But employee’s attitudes aren’t the only thing at play here, like all human beings, they react to the way they are treated. 

Unfortunately, not all bosses treat their employees with the basic respect all people deserve.

Bosses and managers can inspire and motivate their employees, or scare them away, depending upon what types of leadership behaviors they exibit.

A recent study by a Florida State University Professor Wayne Hochwarter, associate professor of management in their College of Business found that employees don’t leave companies, they leave bosses; primarily because they have:

  • Given them the "silent treatment"
  • Failed to keep promises
  • Haven’t given credit when due
  • Spoken negatively about employees to others
  • Or, blamed others for mistakes they’ve made

Lance Secretan hit the nail on the head when responding to this study in his recent post:

"…I have been astounded by the number of leaders who use leadership behaviors that demoralize, are abusive or dishonoring, and counterproductive. It astounds me, even after all these years, how few choose to lead in a way that inspires." read more…

What types of leadership behaviors exist in your company? 

-Susan Martin, NYC Business and Leadership Coach

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