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B2b Marketing | What’s your message?

Don is a local accountant who I met when I spoke at a B2B marketing event last fall.  He was busy handing out pens with his name on them to everybody in sight, and I remember wondering why he didn’t stop long enough to talk to anybody.  Evidently he kept my card, and I got an envelope from him around the holidays containing yet another pen and a calendar with his name on it.  Just last week, I got one of those refridgerator magnets…

Obviously he wanted me to remember him, but what am I remembering him for?  A number of questions ran through my mind, like why should I do business with him?  What kind of quality does he deliver?  What kind of service does he provide?  What value will I receive? Can I trust that he’ll do what he says he will?  What makes him different from the dozens of other printers in my area?

Don has overlooked an important step in the B2B marketing process – his marketing message.

Like most business owners, I make buying decisions based upon a number of factors.  Without providing the answers to these questions, Don gave me nothing to go on except for a bunch of novelty items, a name and a number.

Are you delivering your b2b marketing message?

Susan Martin, Marketing Coaching

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