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Are you running a business or just freelancing?

An interesting dialogue appeared on the Open Forum a while back which brought to mind the distinction between the mindset of a business owner and a freelancer. 

In my experience, the business owner mindset positions you for success because you build an entity that will survive long term.  A business owner has a vision for what they want to achieve and takes logical steps to ensure that they get there.

Freelancing, on the other hand is much more tentative and less comprehensive.  Freelancers tend to think about their work as something that they do in the meantime, to make money, a stop-gap, perhaps even while waiting for something better to come along. 

Here are some reasons why running a business has advantages over “just freelancing”:

  • A business owner develops goals and a specific plan for achieving them.  A freelancer lets things happen.
  • A business owner continually goes after new business by engaging in sales and marketing, a freelancer waits until a client “has something” for them.
  • A business owner sets regular hours, freelancing happens whenever.
  • A business owner develops an asset, freelancers live from job to job.
  • A business owner builds a brand, freelancing supports client’s brands.
  • A business owner thinks about what will happen to the business once they retire, a freelancer’s work continues only as long as they want to work.
  • And a business owner thinks long term, a freelancer thinks only about their current project or lack thereof.

Are you a business owner or a freelancer?

Susan Martin, Business Coaching

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