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Should Women Attorneys Pretend to be Single?

I’d thought I’d seen it all, until I read a recent post in the Wall Street Journal Law Blog entitled "When You Land the Interview, Should the Ring Come Off?" Here’s the post in it’s entirety, but click on the link above anyway, just to see the tremendous response it’s gotten:

"Should women applying for law-firm jobs take off their engagement or wedding
rings? Our friends at the Wall Street Journal’s Juggle blog posted the
question to its readers earlier this week, which generated a few dozen
interesting responses. One in particular caught our eye:

I am a formerly practicing attorney and now a headhunter for lawyers . .
. . [P]artners in various places have said to me, in unguarded moments, that
they still prefer men associates to women because of the whole child rearing
issue . . . . A guy with a wedding ring and a newborn, can sucessfully use that
fact to show that, although he has changed jobs a great deal and has a less than
conventional resume — now he has settled down and is, for the prospective
employer, a good long term investment. A woman, with that same picture, would be
regarded as a higher risk of leaving the workplace unless maybe
she could convey that she had a husband with an unstable income. I have never
counseled anyone — whether male or female — to remove their wedding or
engagement rings for purposes of an interview. The troubling thought is that
maybe I should.

O Law Blog readers, please weigh in."

The question is:  How can we go from a society where work is valued ABOVE all else?

-Susan Martin, NYC based business and work life balance coach.

Sara Landriault March 7, 2007 at 3:45 pm

you know what, men like to dream and most want you to be single so yah let them think it as long as you don’t act it 🙂

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