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Hiring Process, Hiring Strategy

The Job Description

By Susan Martin

As a business coach, I’ve recently I’ve gotten a flurry of phone calls from business professionals with employee problems.  To address this issue, I thought I’d give you some tips on hiring.

Your business is growing.  You’re crunched for time and there are far too many things to do yourself.  Your staff is overworked.  But, you shy away from hiring someone new telling yourself  “it’s hard to find good people… ” But, don’t despair, because there practical ways to ensure that you’ll hire employees who will help your business to thrive.

It all starts with figuring out what you really need, and asking for it, requiring it, even demanding it!

Here are some simple steps that will help you write a job description that clearly states exactly what you’re looking for:

  1. Analyze why you need this new employee.
  2. Pinpoint what you want them to accomplish and the long term goals you want them to achieve.
  3. Figure out what their tasks, priorities and responsibilities will be.
  4. Determine who they will report to.
  5. Think about what kind of experience and background will best equip them.
  6. Pinpoint the “must have” personal qualities, characteristics or attributes they’ll need to be successful.
  7. Determine who they’ll report to.
  8. And, let them know what is expected of them.
  • Write a thorough job description detailing the above, and include the salary and benefits you’re offering.Creating a job description is just the first step in hiring the right employees.

    Want to learn more?

    Check out my blog post: “Hiring Well” which talks about Kirk Kazanjian’s new book “Exceeding Customer Expectations“.  Kirk’s book tells the story of how Enterprise Rent A Car built their reputation as a strong customer focused business.  The tie in here, is that part of their strategy is to be really specific about the qualities they look for in prospective employees.

    Want to improve your managerial skills? Learn more about my business management coaching services.

    ©2004-2015, Susan Martin, Business Sanity. All rights reserved. No duplication without written authorization.