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Business Goals

11 Quick Tips For Achieving Business Goals

By Susan Martin

At the end of each year, I ask my business coaching clients to take stock of what happened over the last 12 months, which things you want to continue to do just the way you’ve been doing them, and which goals are most important to achieve in the next year.  What went right?  What didn’t happen that  you were hoping would?  What are the big lessons learned?  What needs to happen next year to bring you the success you’ve looking for?

I know I’ve asked you to think about some goals, but beware:  Like New Years’ resolutions, many business goals are made by then abandoned.  It’s hard to say on track with your goals if there are many other things to be done.  If you’ve set goals before that haven’t come to fruition,, let’s make this year different.

I’ve listed my tips for achieving business goals below, hope you find them helpful:

1. Identify what went really well this year.  What do you want to keep doing?

2. Pinpoint what the “big goal” really is.  What do you want to achieve that will make all of the difference in your business?

3. Take it one goal at a time.  Don’t complicate things by taking on too much, instead narrow your focus and get it done.

4. Figure out if you’re really committed to this goal:  Is it worth all the time, effort, energy and or money that you’ve have to invest in order to achieve it?  If not, why bother?

5. Identify all of the interim steps that you’ll have to take to achieve this goal.  In what order will you need to tackle them?

6. Devise a timeline for achieving your goal, and assign a realistic start and completion date for each of the steps.

7. Outline what resources you will need to help you.  How much time, money, energy or other resources will you need to achieve this goal?

8.  Put benchmarks in place to measure progress and specific dates to check in with yourself.  How will you know that you’re making progress?  When will you check?

9.  Carve out some specific times to work on your goal plan, so it’s not overlooked.  How might you best use this time?

10. Don’t accept defeat too easily!  If one of the steps you’ve outlined isn’t working, figure out why and implement other strategies that will work better.

11.  Get the support and accountability you’ll need to achieve your goals.  Partner with someone or hire a professional to ensure that you achieve your “big goal” this year.

Need help achieving your business goals?  Learn more about my business coaching programs.

©2004-2015, Susan Martin, Business Sanity. All rights reserved. No duplication without written authorization.