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The Power of Niche Marketing

It’s puzzling to see a professional service firm who markets themselves as generalists, but an amazing percentage of law firms, accounting firms and consulting firms do just that.

In an attempt to maximize their income, these firms try to be all things to all people, perhaps worried that they may lose out on a potential client if they don’t cover all their bases.  However, being a generalist actually minimizes the impact of your marketing efforts, making you appear more generic.

Doctors have utilized the power of niche marketing for years, and it’s something we all can appreciate. If you had a problem with your heart, who would you feel more comfortable seeing, a GP or a cardiologist?  If you needed brain surgery, would you ask a general surgeon to operate?

Niche marketing helps you to:

1. Build your reputation as an expert in your field.

2. Gives your prospective clients a higher level of confidence in your ability to help them solve their problems.

3. Build expertise and experience in a specific range of cases or projects.

4. Make more money, get more publicity and command more respect.

If you’re wondering how you can attract more clients to your practice, consider tapping into the power of niche marketing and becoming the well paid, sought after expert that your clients are looking for.

Susan Martin, marketing coaching for professional service firms.

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